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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Tabel Of Content Saturday, December 4, 2010

To ease you getting all articles provided for GM | Answering Christianity listed on one page instead of mixed-up within the main Table of content, please check the following listing for your perusal ......

Answering Christianity

  1. Europol Report: All Terrorists Are Muslim, Except 99,6% Are Not
  2. The Trinity Refers To Some Christians' Understanding of Their God
  3. Economic Justice in the Quran
  4. Imam Ghazali on Using Aql (Intellect) in Understanding The Quran
  5. Mutashaabihaatun- Ambiguous Parts of the Quran
  6. The History of the Compilation of Quran
  7. 1st Century Hijrah Hadith Texts
  8. 40 mind-blowing quotes from Barack Obama about Islam and Christianity
  9. A Brief Overview of Islamic Theology
  10. A Matter of Salvation; Proof That Paul Was A False Apostle
  11. According To The Bible, Who Are The False Apostles Of Christ?
  12. Al Quran - The Final Testament For Humanity​​​
  13. Al-Quran and its Impact on Human History
  14. Are there any Non-Biblical Prophets & Nations in the Quran?
  15. Authors Of The Bible (Based on Tradition)
  16. BEST 9/11 Documentary: If You Seek TRUTH, WATCH THIS
  17. Background of 7 Ahruf (Dialects) of the Quran
  18. Bible Authors
  19. Biblical Evidence That Ishmael Was Written Out of Torah
  20. Can God Do Anything?
  21. Can Jews and Christians Truly Reconsile? - New!
  22. Christian's Eschatology
  23. Christianity and Violence
  24. Christianity is a curse!
  25. Christology
  26. Comparison of Futurist, Preterist and Historicist beliefs
  27. Concept Of "God" In islam
  28. Dating Saul of Tarsus
  29. Death and Afterlife
  30. Did You Know That Christian's God Ordained The Holocaust And Slavery?
  31. Do Jews believe in the Holy Spirit like Christians do?
  32. Does the Quran include Persian Words?
  33. Echad VS Trinity
  34. Eschatology in Old Testament
  35. FAQ About Islam
  36. Five Myths About Jesus
  37. Hadith Collections in Early Islam - New!
  38. Hadits And Sunnah
  39. Historical Background of Eschatology in Christianity
  40. History Of Judaism
  41. Holy Trinity
  42. Holy Violence Then and Now
  43. How Does Allah ﷻ Reconcile His Mercy with His Justice?
  44. How to be Guided by the Quran in the Modern World?
  45. If God Cannot Abolish Evil, Why Trust Him To Create Good?
  46. In What Town Was Jesus Born?
  47. Injeel is Evangelion?
  48. Introduction To Christian Soteriology
  49. Introduction To Hadits And Sunnah
  50. Is Ezra or Uzair The Son of God?
  51. Is Ka'bah The Worshipped Idol?
  52. Is Quran a Book of Shifa (Healing)?
  53. Islam - World History Encyclopedia - New!
  54. Islamic Eschatology
  55. Islamic Theology
  56. Islamophobia
  57. Islamophobia endurance in Social Media
  58. Islamophobia in Europe
  59. Islamophobia in western media is based on false premises - New!
  60. Islamophobia, Voice of European Network Against Racism
  61. Isnad - The Key to Hadith Reliability & Preservation
  62. Jay Smith, Examining the Newest Historical Research on Islam
  63. Jesus Is Not God Nor The Literal Son Of God
  64. Jesus’ Marriage to Mary the Magdalene Is Fact, Not Fiction
  65. John's Gospel Cannot Be Trusted
  66. Liars Created Christianity
  67. Mawaqi an Nujum - The Revelation of the Quran in Stages
  68. Messages of Al-Quran
  69. Miracle of Classical Arabic in the Quran
  70. Muslim Around The Globe
  71. New Testament
  72. No Evidence Of Jesus
  73. Odd Story of Gospel of Barnabas
  74. Old Testament
  75. Once Upon A Time
  76. Origin of Christianity
  77. Patriology
  78. Paul The Anti-Christ Is The Real Founder Of Christianity!
  79. Paul and His Thoughts - New!
  80. Paul, Indeed a False Apostle
  81. Paul, The False Apostle Of Christ
  82. Pneumatology
  83. Popular Issues
  84. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
  85. Prophet Muhammad's ﷺ Description Of Paradise
  86. Quran - The Divine Speech of Allah ﷻ
  87. Quran Inscribed in Law Al Mahfuz (The Heavenly Preserved Book)
  88. Quran On Slavery: Are the Quran Verses Still Applicable?
  89. Quran's Guidance on Education
  90. Quranic Embryology
  91. Ramadan 2017: 9 questions you were too embarrassed to ask
  92. Rapture
  93. Reasons For Believing Christianity Debunked
  94. Rebuttal To "Samaritan Error" In Al-Quran
  95. Rebuttals
  96. Religious Tolerance in the Quran
  97. Resurrection of The Dead
  98. Robert D. Crane, A Converted Muslim from the White House
  99. Scientific Inquiry in the Quran
  100. Serious Problem With Luke's Cencus
  101. Statistic of World Islam Growth
  102. Tacitus, Did He Use Archives or Was His Works Altered?
  103. The 35 Traditional Authors of The Bible
  104. The Armour of King David
  105. The Christian God: EVIL!
  106. The Christian Myth Is Almost Totally Pagan In Origin
  107. The Correct Manner of Approaching Hadith Literature
  108. The Crucifixion And Resurrection Were Never Prophesied In The Bible's Old Testament
  109. The Dark Side of Christianity
  110. The Day Heavens And Earth Will Be Transformed
  111. The End of the World, The Last Judgment, The New Heaven and New Earth
  112. The Forged Origin of The New Testament
  113. The Good Non-Muslims and Disbelievers on Judgment Day
  114. The Historicity Of Jesus
  115. The History Of Christianity
  116. The Importance Of Hadits And Sunnah
  117. The Importance of Mathani Ayaat (Paired Verses) in the Quran
  118. The Jesus Of The Gospels
  119. The Lost Book Of The Bible
  120. The Matter of Hadith Rejecters
  121. The Prophet's Authority in Islam - New!
  122. The Quran on Jihad as Struggle vs Jihad as Fighting - New!
  123. The Resurrection Story
  124. The Return of Jesus Christ
  125. The Second Coming
  126. The Systematization of Hadith & Fiqh
  127. The Temporary Hell
  128. The True Birthplace of Islam is Not Petra But Mecca
  129. The True Origin of "BC" and "AD"
  130. There Were No Eye Witnesses To Jesus's Life
  131. Those Who Begging For A Second Chance
  132. Trinity: Mary Worshipped As A God?
  133. Understanding Naskh (Abrogation) in the Quran
  134. We Curse Christianity Three Times A Day
  135. Were Hadith influenced by Persian Literature?
  136. What Bible Really Says
  137. What Did They Say About Prophet Muhammad PBUH
  138. What Does Quran Mean By Seven Earth?
  139. What Does The Hebrew Word "Echad" Mean?
  140. What The Bible Actually Says About Jesus' Crucifixion And Resurrection?
  141. What does the Bible say about Islam?
  142. What is Halal (Permissible) & Haram (Forbidden) in Islam?
  143. What is Ilm Al Hadith (Science of Hadith) - New!
  144. What is the Importance of Hadith in Islam? - New!
  145. What is the Quran?
  146. Why I Am Not A Christian
  147. Why Quran Often Refers to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as a Messenger? - New!
  148. Why was Quran not Compiled in its Chronological Order of Revelation?
  149. World's Muslim Population
  150. ​Salvation Means The Mercy of Allah and The Prophetic Intercession


  1. Authors Of The Bible (Based on Tradition)
  2. John's Gospel Cannot Be Trusted
  3. Serious Problem With Luke's Cencus
  4. The 35 Traditional Authors of The Bible


  1. Biblical Evidence That Ishmael Was Written Out of Torah
  2. Dating Saul of Tarsus
  3. Echad VS Trinity
  4. If God Cannot Abolish Evil, Why Trust Him To Create Good?
  5. In What Town Was Jesus Born?
  6. John's Gospel Cannot Be Trusted
  7. Liars Created Christianity
  8. Odd Story of Gospel of Barnabas
  9. Serious Problem With Luke's Cencus
  10. The Christian God: EVIL!
  11. The Forged Origin of The New Testament
  12. The Historicity Of Jesus
  13. The Resurrection Story
  14. What Bible Really Says


  1. Did You Know That Christian's God Ordained The Holocaust And Slavery?
  2. Jesus Is Not God Nor The Literal Son Of God
  3. Once Upon A Time
  4. The Jesus Of The Gospels
  5. What Bible Really Says


  1. Comparison of Futurist, Preterist and Historicist beliefs
  2. Death and Afterlife
  3. Eschatology in Old Testament
  4. Historical Background of Eschatology in Christianity
  5. Rapture
  6. Resurrection of The Dead
  7. The End of the World, The Last Judgment, The New Heaven and New Earth
  8. The Return of Jesus Christ
  9. The Second Coming


  1. The Trinity Refers To Some Christians' Understanding of Their God
  2. Can God Do Anything?
  3. Dating Saul of Tarsus
  4. Did You Know That Christian's God Ordained The Holocaust And Slavery?
  5. If God Cannot Abolish Evil, Why Trust Him To Create Good?
  6. Liars Created Christianity
  7. Once Upon A Time
  8. Origin of Christianity
  9. The Christian God: EVIL!
  10. The Christian Myth Is Almost Totally Pagan In Origin
  11. The Forged Origin of The New Testament
  12. The Jesus Of The Gospels
  13. The Lost Book Of The Bible
  14. The True Origin of "BC" and "AD"
  15. Why I Am Not A Christian


  1. Christianity and Violence
  2. Holy Violence Then and Now
  3. Origin of Christianity
  4. Serious Problem With Luke's Cencus
  5. The Christian Myth Is Almost Totally Pagan In Origin
  6. The True Origin of "BC" and "AD"


  1. Can God Do Anything?


  1. Introduction To Christian Soteriology


  1. Liars Created Christianity
  2. Origin of Christianity
  3. Reasons For Believing Christianity Debunked

Christianity History

  1. Tacitus, Did He Use Archives or Was His Works Altered?


  1. Al Quran - The Final Testament For Humanity​​​
  2. Bible Authors
  3. Christian's Eschatology
  4. Christology
  5. FAQ About Islam
  6. Hadits And Sunnah
  7. Holy Trinity
  8. Introduction To Hadits And Sunnah
  9. Islamic Eschatology
  10. Islamic Theology
  11. Islamophobia
  12. Messages of Al-Quran
  13. Muslim Around The Globe
  14. New Testament
  15. Old Testament
  16. Patriology
  17. Paul and His Thoughts - New!
  18. Pneumatology
  19. Popular Issues
  20. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
  21. Rebuttals
  22. Statistic of World Islam Growth
  23. The History Of Christianity
  24. The Importance Of Hadits And Sunnah


  1. 40 mind-blowing quotes from Barack Obama about Islam and Christianity


  1. Tacitus, Did He Use Archives or Was His Works Altered?
  2. The Crucifixion And Resurrection Were Never Prophesied In The Bible's Old Testament
  3. What The Bible Actually Says About Jesus' Crucifixion And Resurrection?


  1. Dating Saul of Tarsus
  2. John's Gospel Cannot Be Trusted
  3. Reasons For Believing Christianity Debunked
  4. The Christian God: EVIL!
  5. The Dark Side of Christianity
  6. The Lost Book Of The Bible
  7. What Does The Hebrew Word "Echad" Mean?


  1. The Trinity Refers To Some Christians' Understanding of Their God
  2. Echad VS Trinity
  3. The True Origin of "BC" and "AD"
  4. Trinity: Mary Worshipped As A God?
  5. What Does The Hebrew Word "Echad" Mean?

Final Testament

  1. Al Quran - The Final Testament For Humanity​​​
  2. Messages of Al-Quran

Hadits (English)

  1. 1st Century Hijrah Hadith Texts
  2. Hadith Collections in Early Islam - New!
  3. Isnad - The Key to Hadith Reliability & Preservation
  4. The Correct Manner of Approaching Hadith Literature
  5. The Matter of Hadith Rejecters
  6. The Prophet's Authority in Islam - New!
  7. The Systematization of Hadith & Fiqh
  8. Were Hadith influenced by Persian Literature?
  9. What is Ilm Al Hadith (Science of Hadith) - New!
  10. What is the Importance of Hadith in Islam? - New!
  11. Why Quran Often Refers to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as a Messenger? - New!

Hadits and Sunnah

  1. Hadits And Sunnah
  2. Introduction To Hadits And Sunnah
  3. The Importance Of Hadits And Sunnah

Holy Quran

  1. Economic Justice in the Quran
  2. Imam Ghazali on Using Aql (Intellect) in Understanding The Quran
  3. Mutashaabihaatun- Ambiguous Parts of the Quran
  4. The History of the Compilation of Quran
  5. Al-Quran and its Impact on Human History
  6. Are there any Non-Biblical Prophets & Nations in the Quran?
  7. Background of 7 Ahruf (Dialects) of the Quran
  8. Does the Quran include Persian Words?
  9. How Does Allah ﷻ Reconcile His Mercy with His Justice?
  10. How to be Guided by the Quran in the Modern World?
  11. Is Quran a Book of Shifa (Healing)?
  12. Jay Smith, Examining the Newest Historical Research on Islam
  13. Mawaqi an Nujum - The Revelation of the Quran in Stages
  14. Miracle of Classical Arabic in the Quran
  15. Paul, The False Apostle Of Christ
  16. Prophet Muhammad's ﷺ Description Of Paradise
  17. Quran - The Divine Speech of Allah ﷻ
  18. Quran Inscribed in Law Al Mahfuz (The Heavenly Preserved Book)
  19. Quran On Slavery: Are the Quran Verses Still Applicable?
  20. Quran's Guidance on Education
  21. Quranic Embryology
  22. Rebuttal To "Samaritan Error" In Al-Quran
  23. Religious Tolerance in the Quran
  24. Scientific Inquiry in the Quran
  25. The Armour of King David
  26. The Day Heavens And Earth Will Be Transformed
  27. The Good Non-Muslims and Disbelievers on Judgment Day
  28. The Importance of Mathani Ayaat (Paired Verses) in the Quran
  29. The Matter of Hadith Rejecters
  30. The Quran on Jihad as Struggle vs Jihad as Fighting - New!
  31. The Temporary Hell
  32. Those Who Begging For A Second Chance
  33. Understanding Naskh (Abrogation) in the Quran
  34. What Does Quran Mean By Seven Earth?
  35. What is Halal (Permissible) & Haram (Forbidden) in Islam?
  36. What is the Quran?
  37. Why Quran Often Refers to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as a Messenger? - New!
  38. Why was Quran not Compiled in its Chronological Order of Revelation?
  39. ​Salvation Means The Mercy of Allah and The Prophetic Intercession


  1. Biblical Evidence That Ishmael Was Written Out of Torah
  2. Is Ka'bah The Worshipped Idol?
  3. Quranic Embryology
  4. The Armour of King David
  5. The True Birthplace of Islam is Not Petra But Mecca
  6. What Does Quran Mean By Seven Earth?


  1. How Does Allah ﷻ Reconcile His Mercy with His Justice?
  2. Prophet Muhammad's ﷺ Description Of Paradise
  3. The Day Heavens And Earth Will Be Transformed
  4. The Good Non-Muslims and Disbelievers on Judgment Day
  5. The Temporary Hell
  6. Those Who Begging For A Second Chance
  7. ​Salvation Means The Mercy of Allah and The Prophetic Intercession


  1. Europol Report: All Terrorists Are Muslim, Except 99,6% Are Not
  2. If God Cannot Abolish Evil, Why Trust Him To Create Good?


  1. Islam - World History Encyclopedia - New!


  1. World's Muslim Population


  1. A Brief Overview of Islamic Theology
  2. Concept Of "God" In islam

Important of Hadits

  1. The Correct Manner of Approaching Hadith Literature
  2. The Matter of Hadith Rejecters
  3. The Prophet's Authority in Islam - New!
  4. What is the Importance of Hadith in Islam? - New!
  5. Why Quran Often Refers to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as a Messenger? - New!


  1. Europol Report: All Terrorists Are Muslim, Except 99,6% Are Not

Introduction to Hadits

  1. 1st Century Hijrah Hadith Texts
  2. Hadith Collections in Early Islam - New!
  3. Isnad - The Key to Hadith Reliability & Preservation
  4. The Systematization of Hadith & Fiqh
  5. Were Hadith influenced by Persian Literature?
  6. What is Ilm Al Hadith (Science of Hadith) - New!

Islam Facts (Exposures)

  1. Ramadan 2017: 9 questions you were too embarrassed to ask


  1. Europol Report: All Terrorists Are Muslim, Except 99,6% Are Not
  2. Islamophobia endurance in Social Media
  3. Islamophobia in Europe
  4. Islamophobia in western media is based on false premises - New!
  5. Islamophobia, Voice of European Network Against Racism


  1. Can Jews and Christians Truly Reconsile? - New!
  2. Do Jews believe in the Holy Spirit like Christians do?
  3. We Curse Christianity Three Times A Day


  1. History Of Judaism

Jesus Christ

  1. In What Town Was Jesus Born?
  2. Jesus Is Not God Nor The Literal Son Of God
  3. Jesus’ Marriage to Mary the Magdalene Is Fact, Not Fiction
  4. Serious Problem With Luke's Cencus
  5. The Crucifixion And Resurrection Were Never Prophesied In The Bible's Old Testament
  6. The Historicity Of Jesus
  7. The Jesus Of The Gospels
  8. The Resurrection Story
  9. What The Bible Actually Says About Jesus' Crucifixion And Resurrection?


  1. Five Myths About Jesus
  2. No Evidence Of Jesus
  3. Once Upon A Time
  4. There Were No Eye Witnesses To Jesus's Life


  1. FAQ About Islam
  2. Islamophobia
  3. Popular Issues
  4. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
  5. Rebuttals


  1. Economic Justice in the Quran
  2. Imam Ghazali on Using Aql (Intellect) in Understanding The Quran
  3. Mutashaabihaatun- Ambiguous Parts of the Quran
  4. Al-Quran and its Impact on Human History
  5. Are there any Non-Biblical Prophets & Nations in the Quran?
  6. How to be Guided by the Quran in the Modern World?
  7. Is Quran a Book of Shifa (Healing)?
  8. Quran On Slavery: Are the Quran Verses Still Applicable?
  9. Quran's Guidance on Education
  10. Religious Tolerance in the Quran
  11. Scientific Inquiry in the Quran
  12. The Importance of Mathani Ayaat (Paired Verses) in the Quran
  13. The Quran on Jihad as Struggle vs Jihad as Fighting - New!
  14. What is Halal (Permissible) & Haram (Forbidden) in Islam?
  15. What is the Quran?
  16. Why was Quran not Compiled in its Chronological Order of Revelation?


  1. Robert D. Crane, A Converted Muslim from the White House


  1. Serious Problem With Luke's Cencus
  2. The Forged Origin of The New Testament

Nabi Uzair

  1. Is Ezra or Uzair The Son of God?


  1. What Bible Really Says
  2. What The Bible Actually Says About Jesus' Crucifixion And Resurrection?


  1. The Dark Side of Christianity
  2. What Did They Say About Prophet Muhammad PBUH
  3. What does the Bible say about Islam?


  1. Can God Do Anything?
  2. Did You Know That Christian's God Ordained The Holocaust And Slavery?
  3. If God Cannot Abolish Evil, Why Trust Him To Create Good?
  4. The Christian God: EVIL!


  1. Do Jews believe in the Holy Spirit like Christians do?


  1. Biblical Evidence That Ishmael Was Written Out of Torah
  2. Is Ka'bah The Worshipped Idol?
  3. The Armour of King David
  4. The True Birthplace of Islam is Not Petra But Mecca
  5. What Does Quran Mean By Seven Earth?

Prophet Muhammad

  1. What Did They Say About Prophet Muhammad PBUH


  1. Injeel is Evangelion?
  2. Jay Smith, Examining the Newest Historical Research on Islam
  3. The Armour of King David
  4. The Lost Book Of The Bible
  5. The True Birthplace of Islam is Not Petra But Mecca
  6. What Does Quran Mean By Seven Earth?


  1. Is Ezra or Uzair The Son of God?


  1. The Crucifixion And Resurrection Were Never Prophesied In The Bible's Old Testament
  2. The Resurrection Story


  1. The History of the Compilation of Quran
  2. Background of 7 Ahruf (Dialects) of the Quran
  3. Does the Quran include Persian Words?
  4. Mawaqi an Nujum - The Revelation of the Quran in Stages
  5. Miracle of Classical Arabic in the Quran
  6. Quran - The Divine Speech of Allah ﷻ
  7. Quran Inscribed in Law Al Mahfuz (The Heavenly Preserved Book)
  8. Understanding Naskh (Abrogation) in the Quran


  1. Tacitus, Did He Use Archives or Was His Works Altered?

Rizqan Kareem

  1. Economic Justice in the Quran
  2. Imam Ghazali on Using Aql (Intellect) in Understanding The Quran
  3. Mutashaabihaatun- Ambiguous Parts of the Quran
  4. The History of the Compilation of Quran
  5. 1st Century Hijrah Hadith Texts
  6. Al-Quran and its Impact on Human History
  7. Are there any Non-Biblical Prophets & Nations in the Quran?
  8. Background of 7 Ahruf (Dialects) of the Quran
  9. Does the Quran include Persian Words?
  10. Hadith Collections in Early Islam - New!
  11. How Does Allah ﷻ Reconcile His Mercy with His Justice?
  12. How to be Guided by the Quran in the Modern World?
  13. Is Quran a Book of Shifa (Healing)?
  14. Isnad - The Key to Hadith Reliability & Preservation
  15. Mawaqi an Nujum - The Revelation of the Quran in Stages
  16. Miracle of Classical Arabic in the Quran
  17. Prophet Muhammad's ﷺ Description Of Paradise
  18. Quran - The Divine Speech of Allah ﷻ
  19. Quran Inscribed in Law Al Mahfuz (The Heavenly Preserved Book)
  20. Quran On Slavery: Are the Quran Verses Still Applicable?
  21. Quran's Guidance on Education
  22. Religious Tolerance in the Quran
  23. Scientific Inquiry in the Quran
  24. The Correct Manner of Approaching Hadith Literature
  25. The Day Heavens And Earth Will Be Transformed
  26. The Good Non-Muslims and Disbelievers on Judgment Day
  27. The Importance of Mathani Ayaat (Paired Verses) in the Quran
  28. The Matter of Hadith Rejecters
  29. The Prophet's Authority in Islam - New!
  30. The Quran on Jihad as Struggle vs Jihad as Fighting - New!
  31. The Systematization of Hadith & Fiqh
  32. The Temporary Hell
  33. Those Who Begging For A Second Chance
  34. Understanding Naskh (Abrogation) in the Quran
  35. Were Hadith influenced by Persian Literature?
  36. What is Halal (Permissible) & Haram (Forbidden) in Islam?
  37. What is Ilm Al Hadith (Science of Hadith) - New!
  38. What is the Importance of Hadith in Islam? - New!
  39. What is the Quran?
  40. Why Quran Often Refers to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as a Messenger? - New!
  41. Why was Quran not Compiled in its Chronological Order of Revelation?
  42. ​Salvation Means The Mercy of Allah and The Prophetic Intercession


  1. A Matter of Salvation; Proof That Paul Was A False Apostle
  2. According To The Bible, Who Are The False Apostles Of Christ?
  3. Christianity is a curse!
  4. Dating Saul of Tarsus
  5. Paul The Anti-Christ Is The Real Founder Of Christianity!
  6. Paul, Indeed a False Apostle
  7. Paul, The False Apostle Of Christ


  1. Robert D. Crane, A Converted Muslim from the White House
  2. Why I Am Not A Christian


  1. A Brief Overview of Islamic Theology


  1. The Trinity Refers To Some Christians' Understanding of Their God
  2. Echad VS Trinity
  3. Trinity: Mary Worshipped As A God?
  4. What Does The Hebrew Word "Echad" Mean?


  1. BEST 9/11 Documentary: If You Seek TRUTH, WATCH THIS


  1. BEST 9/11 Documentary: If You Seek TRUTH, WATCH THIS

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