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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

According To The Bible, Who Are The False Apostles Of Christ? Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The following is another record of my Topic Status in 4 or 5 interfaith discussion forums on facebook quite some time ago,

I forgot whether it was here, or somewhere else, but a netizen once asked Muslim members and Christian members at the same time about who was actually the FALSE APOSTLE according to the Bible?

Outdated question but still interesting to look at. Therefore, in response to that question, I suggested him that he should study the Bible and the history of the development of Christianity from the beginning until nowadays. By doing so, anyone who really look at it with open mind will undoubtedly realize that Christians are not the followers of Jesus, but instead are the followers of someone else's heretical teachings in the name of Jesus!

Why could this happen even though it is said that long before his "ascension", Jesus has already reminded his followers to be careful of false apostles who disguise themselves as the apostles of Christ!

In the Bible, it is precisely recorded as follow:
[2 Corinthians 11:13] For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ.

Starting from here, try to find out and identify the author's own message. At the end you will find that it turns out that the so-called FALSE APOSTLES are those who have characteristics, among others; liar, cheater, and very cunning in his way trying to drag as many people into the trap of his deceit!

[Romans 3: 7] "Someone might argue, “If my falsehood enhances God’s truthfulness and so increases his glory, why am I still condemned as a sinner?”

[2 Corinthians 12:16] "Be that as it may, I have not been a burden to you. Yet, crafty fellow that I am, I caught you by deception."

Based on the these verses, try to seriously look at historical records. Who exactly is meant by the false apostle? Of the two verses above, the first person who is most worthy of suspicion, of course, is the one who wrote the verses nuanced above into the Bible itself. Who is he? It is Paul!

Regarding his ethnicity, Paul himself provides the following information:
  1. [Acts 16:37] He was a Roman in his testimony to the Romans society.
  2. [Acts 22: 2] He was a Jew in speaking to the Jews.
  3. [Acts 23: 6] He was a Pharisee in his statement to the Pharisee.

His life history is filled with stories of rape, murder, and other heinous acts, and is continued by his successors. "The life of Benedict," said Viktor III, his successor, "is so vile, fraudulent and ugly that I shudder whenever I thought about it!" Benedict was also accused of committing acts of homosexuality and bestiality.

  • Book of Persecution
  • Church Sex Scandals
  • Customizing Bible Texts *
  • Etc.

* Ancient Greek Bible Controversy Resolved In Russia. Read more details here.

[John 17: 8] “For I gave them the words YOU gave me and they accepted them. They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that YOU sent me.
[John 17: 3] "Now this is eternal life: that they know YOU, THE ONLY TRUE GOD, and Jesus Christ, whom YOU have sent."

These verses clearly stated that Jesus, in any way they may be interpreted, was a prophet of God!
Then, a simple question arose; If Jesus was only a messenger, a prophet, or an apostle of God, then who are Christians actually worshiping?

It turns out that actually Christians are not worshiping God as Jesus' Taught  but worshiping what Paul picturaized as a damned CURSED MAN on the cross!

[Galatians 3:13] "Cursed be the one who is hanged on the cross!"

** According to the Koran, this cursed human is a figure likened by God as Jesus because of his betrayal to his teacher.

It is therefore quite reasonable to suspect that the person who was being nailed on the cross and likened to Jesus is Judas. The suspicion of Judas as a traitor to Jesus can be traced through the story of Jesus' arrest by the Roman troops in the four canonical gospels. Whereas in the Gospels, the death of Judas is told in 2 controversial versions that cannot possibly be reconciled between one version and another, or rather none of which can be trusted:

[Matthew 27: 5] So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself.
[Acts 1:18] (With the payment he received for his wickedness, Judas bought a field; there he fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out.

As for the question of who exactly was crucified? In a small scope, the spiritual experiences of some converts turn out to be very interesting to observe. One of them even told that when he was a Christian, he thought that during that time he was worshiping Jesus, but later on realized that it was a devil who resembled Jesus.

Paul's death was terrible. He was executed by Emperor Nero by beheading him. Compare this with the manner in which all the prophets and apostles of God died in the Bible. Isn't it quite obvious that God absolutely disgraced him with no "honor" to die as a (supposedly) holy person?

Have you ever heard of the news that the giant statue of Jesus was struck by lightning and burned to the ground? If you think rationally, you should also think critically; why did God destroy His own image?

If you want to know more about this false apostle, please follow the links I have provided in this note. Some of them refer to a number of passages (including links to other passages) that can make you even more convinced that the false apostle who Jesus referred to is really Paul!

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