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Thursday, March 10, 2016

We Curse Christianity Three Times A Day Thursday, March 10, 2016

Most Christians do not know that like Muslims who pray 5 times a day, Jews also pray, but 3 times a day. The way of their prayers are also similar to each others.

Because of common principles of worship, Jewish rabbis permit Jews to worship in any mosque scattered across the globe. While on the contrary, they forbid their people from worshiping in any church in the whole world!

Because according to the Jewish faith, churches are places where gentiles, or goyim, worship idols, whilst idolatry - in any form - is a damned curse for every single foundation of Jewish monotheistic theology.
Naturally, these facts are more than just enough proof that by all means, there is no way for any Christians to claim an "intimate " relationship with Jews by equating the God taught in Christianity is the same God as in the Jewish faith.
Then, what about mosques?
According to their Rabbis, mosques are places where Muslims worship the one and only True God, namely Allah, the same God - known by the Jews as Eloah - or other names and designations that refer to the only True God they also worship.

Therefore, a mosque is a place where both Muslims and Jews can carry out their prayers together without the need to fuss over the differences being taught by each of their prophet whom they follow as role models.

Interesting, isn't it?
But did you know what else the majority of Christians do not know about Jews prayer?
One thing that is very important for them to know, and realize of course, is what the Jews know as Birkat ha Minim .

Birkat ha Minim is a special part of  Jewish prayer where they earnestly pray so that Christianity - along with all the attributes that come with it - be condemned by Eloah!
Yes! Jews curse Christianity 3 times a day!

Why do Jews "hate" Christianity so much?
There are tons of background reasons, but to make it short, try to understand these.
1. From Historical perspective
The early Christian fathers had stolen Jewish holy books then  made them part of the Christian book, but were not treated and respected as they should be. They even labeled these holy books as Old Testament as they were considered them as outdated books!

These stolen holy books were only used as the row material to ease them composing various "new verses" into their own holy book to back up theories about Jesus Christ divinity and made them as if are in accordance with the prophecies of the previous prophets, while in fact, until this very moment the Jews still hold fast to their holy books and never considered them as outdated books. Therefore Jews never agreed with any theories and claims of Christianity which are made by modifying verses from the Jews holy books in order to justify their early Christian Patriarchs doctrines.

2. From Theological perspective
The Jews could not and would never accept the blasphemy committed by Christianity against Jews God, the one and only True God, who they perfectly believed is not affiliated and unlawful to be associated with anything, but described by Christians as divinity who had a son named Jesus Christ, and also juxtaposed with one of the Angels in a form of a fellow gods or triune god whom they call the holy Trinity.

Another worse thing is, Christians claimed are worshipping the same god as the God of the Jews, even though it was very clear that all descriptions of God in Christianity teachings are completely different from the God worshiped by the Jews.

Thus, Christians should have realized that attributing anything in the Christian faith to the beliefs and faith of the Jews is obviously a pointless claim of nothing!
The God of Christianity is not the same God of the Jews and Muslims who is believed by both with perfect faith that He is the only true God, the Creator, absolutely free from all properties of matter, and that there can be no (physical) comparison to Him whatsoever! Therefore, according to Jews and Muslims the God whom Christians worship is not the true God!
It seems that both Jews and Muslims agree on this point.
Learn more about this issue on Jewish Rabbi perspective here

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