The Importance Of Hadits And Sunnah
The Prophet's Authority in Islam
In Islam a Muslim Believer has to accept whatever decisions Allah ﷻ and His Prophet ﷺ has already made for them and they know better for theWhat is the Importance of Hadith in Islam?
Rasool Allah ﷺ said: “From Adam to me, Allah sent a hundred and twenty-four thousand Prophets, of whom three hundred and fifteen were MessengersWhy Quran Often Refers to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as a Messenger?
Originally answered on August 5, 2019 on Quora - In the Qur'an Allah says 'Obey Allah, obey the messenger'. Why did Allah use the termThe Correct Manner of Approaching Hadith Literature
"O you who believe, do not raise your voices above the Prophet’s, do not raise your voice when speaking to him as you do to one another, or yourThe Matter of Hadith Rejecters
The Prophet ﷺ predicted hadith rejectionNarrated Al-Miqdam ibn Ma'dikarib (r.a) that the Prophet ﷺ said: “Beware! I have been given the Quran and
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