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Saturday, February 20, 2016


Muslim Around The Globe comments

Muslim Around The Globe
  • Muslims In China
    The Muslims of China are a colorful, cosmopolitan people - more varied than the Muslims of any other nation. Where the Muslims of Saudi Arabia, for
  • Muslims In Belgium
    The main waves of immigrants from Muslim countries began in the early 1960s when migration agreements were signed with Morocco and Turkey and then at
    Research looks at role of religion in integration of the young generationThe Muslim holy month of Ramadan where the faithful fast from sunup to
  • Muslims In Germany
    Germany's Muslim population is becoming more religious and more conservative. Islamic associations are fostering the trend, particularly through
  • Muslims In The Netherlands
    Amsterdam, Shawwal 10/January 16 (IINA) - Out of Hollands population of 15.6 million, Muslims make up half a million, which is ten-fold what it was
  • Muslims In Western Europe
    From The Economist print editionIs there something about Islam that makes it impossible for Muslims to fit into western, liberal societies?AT THE end
  • World Muslim Population By Country
    Did you know that there are at least 6,8 billion people living on earth these days, and about 1,6 billion of them, or 24,1% of the total earth's
  • Comprehensive Survey Of United States Muslims
    NEW YORK (AP) -- American Muslims form a growing and maturing community worshipping in 1,209 mosques from coast to coast, according to the first
  • Muslims In Indonesia - An Introduction
    Islam is Indonesia's dominant religion and approximately 86%, or about 200 million, of its population identify as Muslims, making it the world's
  • Muslims In Indonesia - From The 90th
    Islam was the dominant religion by far in Indonesia, with the greatest number of religious adherents: around 143 million people or

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